ക​ഴി​ഞ്ഞ വ​ർ​ഷ​ത്തേ​തി​ൽ​നി​ന്നു വ്യ​ത്യ​സ്ത​മാ​യി പാ​ഠ​ഭാ​ഗ​ങ്ങ​ളി​ൽ ചി​ല കൂ​ട്ടി​ച്ചേ​ർ​ക്ക​ലു​ക​ളും ഒ​ഴി​വാ​ക്ക​ലു​ക​ളും വ​ന്ന​തി​നാ​ൽ പു​തി​യ ചോ​ദ്യ​ങ്ങ​ൾ പ്ര​തീ​ക്ഷി​ക്കാ​മെ​ങ്കി​ലും പ​രീ​ക്ഷ​യു​ടെ ചോ​ദ്യ​ഘ​ട​ന​യി​ൽ വ്യ​ത്യാ​സ​ങ്ങ​ളു​ണ്ടാ​കി​ല്ല. വി​ദ്യാ​ഭ്യാ​സ​വ​കു​പ്പ് സ​മ​ഗ്ര​യി​ലൂ​ടെ വി​വി​ധ വ്യ​വ​ഹാ​ര രൂ​പ​ങ്ങ​ളും ഭാ​ഷാ​പ്ര​യോ​ഗ​ങ്ങ​ളും ഉ​ദാ​ഹ​ര​ണ​സ​ഹി​തം പ​രി​ശീ​ലി​പ്പി​ച്ചു​വ​രു​ന്നു​ണ്ട്. 80 മാ​ർ​ക്കി​നു​ള്ള ചോ​ദ്യ​പേ​പ്പ​റി​ൽ അ​വ എ​ങ്ങ​നെ ക്ര​മ​പ്പെ​ടു​ത്തി​യി​രി​ക്കു​ന്നു എ​ന്ന​ത് പ​ഠ​ന​വി​ധേ​യ​മാ​ക്കേ​ണ്ട​താ​ണ്.

ഇം​ഗ്ലീ​ഷി​ൽ A+ ക​ര​സ്ഥ​മാ​ക്കാ​ൻ ഈ ​പാ​ക്കേ​ജ് പ​രി​ശീ​ലി​ക്കു​ക.

വി​വി​ധ വ്യ​വ​ഹാ​ര രൂ​പ​ങ്ങ​ൾ (40 വ​രെ മാ​ർ​ക്കി​നു​ള്ള ചോ​ദ്യ​ങ്ങ​ൾ പ്ര​തീ​ക്ഷി​ക്കാം. 5/6/7 മാ​ർ​ക്ക് വീ​തം ചോ​ദ്യ​ങ്ങ​ൾ)

Language Elements (20-23 മാർ​ക്ക് പ്ര​തീ​ക്ഷി​ക്കാം)

Language Elements

I. Reporting ( 2 mark)

പാഠബന്ധിതമായ dialogues ശേഖരിച്ച് റിപ്പോർട്ട് ചെയ്തു പഠിക്കണം.

1. Boy: Where is your knitting?
Grandma: It is missing
Boy: Don't worry. I will search
Ans: Boy asked grandma where her knitting was. Grandma replied that the knitting was missing. The boy requested her not to worry and he added that he would search the missing.

2. Boy: Have you ever seen white squirrels?
Grandfather : No, I have never seen white squirrels.
Boy asked Grandfather whether he had ever seen white squirrels. Grnadfather replied that he had never seen white squirrels.

3. A Student: Did the snake follow you?
Homeopath: No, it didn't. I ran till I reached a friend's house.

A student enquired the homeopath whether the snake had followed him. Homeopath told him that the snake hadn't followed. He added that he had run till he reached a friend's house.

4. Manager: What do you want?
Ray: I need a tiger for my film
Manager asked Ray what he wanted. Ray told him that he needed a tiger for his film.

5. Manager: How long will you need this tiger for?
Satyajith Ray: We need it for a couple of hours for shooting.
Manager asked Satyajith Ray how long he would need that tiger for. Ray replied that they needed it for a couple of hours for shooting.

6. Ali: I need some potatoes
Akbar Aqa : Take it from down
Ali said that he needed some potatoes.
Akbar Aqa ordered him to take the potatoes from down.

7. Ali: How much do these potatoes cost?
Akbar : Sixty five Toumans.
Ali asked Akbar how much those potatoes costed.
Akbar replied that those potatoes costed sixty five toumans.

8. Neighbour : Why are you crying?
Vanka : My master has beaten me.
Neighbour : Have you informed your grandpa?
Vanka : No, I haven't
Neighbour : Tell him soon
Vanka : Ok, Uncle
Neighbour : What a cruel person your master is.

Neighbour asked Vanka why he was crying. Vanka replied that his master had beaten him. Neighbour again enquired whether he had informed his grandpa. Vanka replied with regret that he hadn't informed. Neighbour advised Vanka to tell him soon. Vanka agreed. Neighbour exclaimed that his master was a very cruel person.

9. Grandfather: Why are you looking so sad?
Martha: The principal told me to pay 15 dollars.
Grandfather asked Martha why she was looking so sad. Martha replied that the principal had told her to pay 15 dollars.

10. Kiran : Have you taken the inkstand?
Nilkanta: No, I haven't.
Kiran asked Nilkanta whether he had taken the inkstand. Nilkanta replied with regret that he hadn't taken the inkstand.

വി​വി​ധ സം​ഭാ​ഷ​ണ​ങ്ങ​ൾ റി​പ്പോ​ർ​ട്ട് ചെ​യ്ത​തി​ൽ​നി​ന്ന് നി​ങ്ങ​ൾ​ക്കു മ​ന​സി​ലാ​യ കാ​ര്യ​ങ്ങ​ൾ കു​റി​ച്ചു​നോ​ക്കൂ.

Notable changes while reporting

II. Complete the dialogue

ക​ഥാ​പാ​ത്ര​ങ്ങ​ൾ ത​മ്മി​ലു​ള്ള സം​ഭാ​ഷ​ണ​ങ്ങ​ൾ ഉചിതമാ​യി പൂ​രി​പ്പി​ക്കാ​നു​ള്ള ചോ​ദ്യ​മാ​ണി​വി​ടെ പ്ര​തീ​ക്ഷി​ക്കേ​ണ്ട​ത്.

Question Tag
(Refer Page No. 138 of the Text)

1. It was to be a battle of champions ----? (wasn't it)
2. The cobra was weakening ---? ( wasn't it)
3. A few drops of blood glistened on the cobra's back ----? (didn't they)
4. Grandfather had never seen white squirrels before ----? (had he)
5. They mounted the camera on the tripod --? (didn't they)
6. Martha can't put up with the decision ----? (can she)
7. Martha's grandfather has the money -----? (hasn't he)
8. The teachers had a discussion ----? (hadn't they)
9. Grandfather didn't pay the money ----? (did he)
10. Adichie becomes an early writer -----? (doesn't she)
11. I am the winner ------? (aren't I)
12. Nobody listened Vanka ------? (did they)
13. Kiran couldn't believe her eyes -------? (could she)
14. Tie on its neck --------? ( won't you)
15. Don't pay the money ------? (will you)
16. Let's buy the car ------? (Shall we)

ത​ന്നി​രി​ക്കു​ന്ന വാ​ക്യ​ങ്ങ​ളി​ലെ Auxiliary Verbs ക​ണ്ടെ​ത്തു​ക. നെ​ഗ​റ്റീ​വ് വാ​ക്കു​ക​ൾ ഉ​ണ്ടെ​ങ്കി​ൽ Question Tag-ൽ Not ​ചേ​ർ​ക്കാ​തി​രി​ക്കു​ക. Auxiliary Verbs നേ​രി​ട്ടു കാ​ണു​ന്നി​ല്ലെ​ങ്കി​ൽ Main Verb വി​ഭ​ജി​ച്ച് ക​ണ്ടെ​ത്തു​ക.
Eg: mount - do+mount
mounts - does + mount
mounted - did + mount

ഓ​രോ വാ​ക്യ​വും tag ചേ​ർ​ത്ത​തെ​ങ്ങ​നെ​യെ​ന്നു മ​ന​സി​ലാ​ക്കൂ. Let's ൽ ​തു​ട​ങ്ങു​ന്ന വാ​ക്യ​ങ്ങ​ൾ​ക്ക് Shall we എ​ന്നും Imperatives വ​ന്ന​പ്പോ​ൾ will you/won't you ഉ​പ​യോ​ഗി​ച്ച​തും amn't I എ​ന്ന പ്ര​യോ​ഗം ഇ​ല്ലാ​ത്ത​തി​നാ​ൽ aren't I എ​ന്നെ​ഴു​തി​യ​തും പ്ര​ത്യേ​കം ശ്ര​ദ്ധി​ച്ചു​വ​ല്ലോ.

Question Making

പു​സ്ത​ക​ത്തി​ലെ page no. 66-70 വ​രെ വാ​യി​ക്കു​മ​ല്ലോ.

ചോ​ദ്യ​ങ്ങ​ൾ​ക്കു​ള്ള പൊ​തു​വാ​യ ഘ​ട​ന​യും വി​വി​ധ ചോ​ദ്യ​വാ​ക്കു​ക​ളും അ​റി​ഞ്ഞി​രു​ന്നാ​ൽ ത​ന്നി​രി​ക്കു​ന്ന ഏ​ത് ഉ​ത്ത​ര​ത്തി​നും ചോ​ദ്യ​മെ​ന്താ​യി​രി​ക്കു​മെ​ന്ന് എ​ഴു​താ​ൻ ക​ഴി​യും.

1. Adichie began to write at the age of seven.
When did Adichie begin to write?
2. Grandfather paid four annas for the white rat.
How much did Grandfather pay for the white rat?
3. Martha got the scholarship jacket.
Who got the scholarship jacket?
4. The boy spent the afternoons on the tree.
Where did the boy spend the afternoons?
5. The land lady helped John by providing free accomodation.
How did the land lady help john?
6. Chinua Achebe and Camera Laye's writing influenced Adichie.
Whose writings influenced Adichie?
7. John met A.J.cronin at the deck of the ship.
Whom did John meet at the deck of the ship.
8. Two tigers were carried in the lorry.
How many tigers were carried in the lorry?
9. John had been active in the field of youth welfare for 15 years.
How long had John been active in the field of youth welfare?
10. I visit my grandfather twice a month.
How often do you visit your grandfather?
11. Vanka is nine years old.
How old is Vanka?
12. Nilkanta was shocked because his last hope of proving him not theif hit the dust.
Why was Nilkanta shocked?

Yes/No Questions

1. No, The police couldn't find Nikanta.
Could the police find Nilkanta?
2. Yes, Martha got scholarship jacket.
Did Martha get the scholarship jacket?

ത​ന്നി​രി​ക്കു​ന്ന വാ​ക്യ​ത്തി​ലെ Auxiliary Verb ക​ണ്ടെ​ത്തി ചോ​ദ്യം നി​ർ​മി​ക്കാം.

Conditional Clause
(Refer Page No. 101)

If ചേ​ർ​ന്നു​വ​രു​ന്ന വാ​ക്യം complete the dialogue-ൽ ​ഉ​ണ്ടാ​കും. ത​ന്നി​രി​ക്കു​ന്ന വാ​ക്യ​ത്തി​ലെ Verb-ന്‍റെ രൂ​പ​മ​നു​സ​രി​ച്ച് ഏ​തു​ത​രം Conditional Clause എ​ന്നു ക​ണ്ടെ​ത്ത​ണം.

Eg: If the camera works properly, we can shoot well.
If the camera worked properly, we could shoot well.
If the camera had worked properly, we could have shot well.

ഈ ​വാ​ക്യ​ങ്ങ​ൾ ശ്ര​ദ്ധി​ച്ച​ല്ലോ.

Aunt Jane : If you don't pay the rent, the owner will throw you out into the street.
Principal : If you pay 15 dollars, you will get the Jacket.
Jill : We could never buy a car, if they didn't allow instalments.
If Ali hadn't placed the shoe amidst the boxes, it shouldn't have lost.
Kiran: Nilkanta, If you had taken the inkstand I should have kept it there.

വാ​ക്യ​ങ്ങ​ളി​ലെ verb-ന്‍റെ പ്ര​ത്യേ​ക​ത​ക​ൾ​ക്ക​നു​സ​രി​ച്ച് വ​ന്നി​ട്ടു​ള്ള മാ​റ്റം ശ്ര​ദ്ധി​ച്ച​ല്ലോ.

If+V1 - will/shall/can/may + V1
If +V2 - would/should/could/might + V1
If + had + V3 - would/should/could + have + V3

not ചേ​ർ​ന്നു​വ​രു​ന്ന വാ​ക്യ​വും ശ്ര​ദ്ധി​ച്ചു വാ​യി​ച്ചോ​ളൂ.

Formal and Informal expressions

I will be pleased to give you/I will give you
give me your pen/could you please give me your pen.
You had better refer a dictionary ( had better+V1)
Would you mind posting this letter.
I don't mind posting this letter (Would you mind+ing form of verb)

Different Structures (textual)

(a) No sooner + had + V3 + than
(b) No sooner + did + V1 + than
(c) Hardly had...V3 + when
(d) Scarcely had ... V3 + when
(e) Enough (before a noun, After an adjective or adverb)

eg: No sooner had the tiger sprung out of the cage than the people left.
No sooner did the tiger spring out of the cage than the people left.
Hardly had the tiger sprung out of the cage when the people left.
Martha was skillful enough to win the scholarship jacket.


I. Reporter : You are Martha, -------- (a)?
Martha : Yes, I am
Reporter : ------------------------ (b)?
Martha : I am studying in new Texas school.
Reporter: You won the sholarship jacket, ---- (c)?
Martha : Yes, I did
Reporter: ---------------------- (d)?
Martha : No, I didn't pay anything
Reporter : Indeed you deserve it, -----! (e)
Martha : Thank you sir

(a) You are Martha, aren't you?
(b) Where are you studying?
(c) You won the scholarship jacket, didn't you?
(d) Did you pay anything?
(e) Congratulations!

III Phrasal Verbs


1. Martha dreamt of the graduation night on which she ---- (a) the scholarship jacket. But she was ---- (b) by the conversation of teachers. She couldn't ----- (c) the reason behind their argument.

Ans: (a) put on (b) taken aback (c) make out

2. While Dr. Cronin was walking on the deck he ------ (a) a young man. The man wanted to ---- (b) something to Cronin. Usually the doctor doesn't ----- (c) shipboard contacts. So he deliberately ----- (d) from the young man.

(a) Came across (b) put across (c) Put up with (d) turned away

IV Word Pyramid

an inkstand
a grand inkstand
a grand inkstand on the table
a grand inkstand on the table which Satish brought from Calcutta


Articles - a, an, the
possessives - my, yours, his, her, their, our
Demonstratives - this, that, these, those

my car
my favourite car
my favourite car in the porch
my favourite car in the porch which I bought in instalments

Adjective, prepositional phrases, Relative clause ഇ​വ ത​രം​തി​രി​ച്ച് അ​റി​യ​ണം.

V. Missing Words

Textual passage വായിച്ചിരുന്നാൽ മാത്രം മതി.

The Never Never Nest എന്ന പാഠഭാഗത്തിൽ നിന്ന് എടുത്ത വരികളൊന്നു ശ്രദ്ധിക്കൂ.

1 . Jill looks ---- (a) the cheque ---- (b) exclaims ""Ten Pounds''. Then she hurries ---- (c) the table, addresses ---- (d) envelope, endorses the cheque and slips it inside ---- (e) a bill ----- (f) she takes ----- (g) the bag and seals ------ (h) envelope.

(a) at (b) and (c) to (d) an (e) with (f) which (g) from (h) the

2. Another hour ---- (a) sweating in basket ball and displaying my tooth pick legs was coming --- (b). Then I remembered my PE shorts were still ---- (c) a bag ---- (d) my desk, ---- (e) I'd forgotten them. I had ----- (f) walk all ---- (g) way back ----- (h) get them.

(a) of (b) up (c) in (d) under (e) where (f) to (g) the (h) and

3. It was hard ----- (a) tell his age ---- (b) his face ---- (c) acts. His hairless innocent face said he was ---- (d) fourteen ---- (e) the smoke and words gushed out from his mouth suggested he was --- (f) seventeen.
(about, but, and, to, beyond, from)

Ans: (a) to (b) from (c) and (d) about (e) but (f) beyond

VI. Editing

= Editing -ന് ലഭിക്കുന്ന പാസേജിൽ കാണുന്ന തെറ്റുകൾ ഡയഗ്രത്തിൽ സൂചിപ്പിച്ചവ ഏതെങ്കിലുമൊക്കെയാകാം. കരുതലോടെ പഠിച്ചാൽ അഞ്ചുമാർക്ക് ലഭിക്കുന്ന ഉറപ്പായ ചോദ്യമാണ്.

1. I feels better (SV agreement)
Ans: I feel better
2. Grandfather replied that if she pay the money, it wouldn't be a scholarship jacket (If clause is reported)
Ans: Grandfather replied that if she paid the money, it wouldn't be a scholarship jacket.
3. Principal asked Martha what told her grandfather. (word order in the reported sentence is wrong)
Ans: Principal asked Martha what her grandfather told.
4. The inkstand was pick up. (past participle should be there in a passivised
Ans:The inkstand was picked up
5. His last hope of proving him not a theif hit the dust (spelling error)
Ans: Thief
6. Satish had brought a inkstand from culcutta. (article is not properly used)
Ans: Satish had brought an inkstand from calcutta.

Q. Another lovely thought struck me. I would got married to a woman doctor who have (b) plenty of money and a good medical practice. She had to be fat, for a valid reason. If I made some mistake silly (c) and needed to run away, she should not be able to ran after (d) me.

a) would get
b) had
c) silly mistake
d) run after

VII. Patterns of Sentences

1. SV

Mr. Thorat frowned
Nilkanta surprised

2. SVO

The mangoose attacked the snake
Junk collector picked the parcel of shoes


Kiran offered Nilkanta a surprise gift
The Principal assured Martha the scholarship jacket

4. SVA

Martha cried bitterly
The shooting was taking place near Shiuri
Adichie started writing at the age of seven


The thief had stolen most of the things
from the room
Nilkanta took the inkstand from the table

6. SVC

Alyakin was cruel
The inkstand is grand


Martha had her mind deeply pained
Father Gilligan had his body severely tired.

Subject, Verb, Object ഇവ ഏവർക്കും പരിചിതമാണല്ലോ. Adverbial ആയി വന്ന ഉദാഹരണം ശ്രദ്ധിക്കൂ.

Martha cried bitterly
How did Martha cry?
ഇവിടെ Adverb of manner ആണ്.

The shooting was taking place near shiuri
ഇവിടെ where was the shooting taking place എന്ന ചോദ്യത്തിനുള്ള ഉത്തരമാണ് ലഭിക്കുന്നത്.

അതായത് Adverb of place
Adichie started writing at the age of seven
When did Adichie start writing? എന്ന ചോദ്യത്തിനുള്ള ഉത്തരമാണ് at the age of seven. അതായത് adverb of time.

Alyakin was cruel. ഇവിടെ cruel എന്നത് Alyakin എന്ന വ്യക്തിയുടെ വിശേഷണമാണ്. ഇത്തരം വാക്കുകൾ complement വിഭാഗത്തിൽപ്പെടുന്നു. SVC, SVOC എന്നിവയ്ക്ക് ഉദാഹരണങ്ങൾ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കൂ.

എസ്. ലേഖാ ശങ്കർ
ഗ​വ. എ​ച്ച്എ​സ്എ​സ്, പോരുവഴി

രസതന്ത്രം - 03
സാമൂഹ്യശാസ്ത്രം - 04
സാമൂഹ്യശാസ്ത്രം - 03
സാമൂഹ്യശാസ്ത്രം - 02
സാമൂഹ്യശാസ്ത്രം - 01
രസതന്ത്രം - 02
ജീവശാസ്ത്രം - 03
हिंदी- 04
हिंदी- 03
हिंदी- 02
हिंदी- 01
ഊർജതന്ത്രം- 05